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Custom hex creation


TL;DR Don't extend the Hex constructor, but add a static method for custom hex creation instead.

What you shouldn't do

You may be tempted to override the constructor of Hex to enable setting any custom properties, for example:

class CustomHex extends defineHex({ dimensions: 30, origin: 'topLeft' }) {
  custom: string

  constructor(coordinates: HexCoordinates, custom: string) {
    this.custom = custom

const grid = new Grid(CustomHex)
//                    ^^^^^^^^^ ❌ typescript will throw an error here

This works until you pass the class to new Grid(). The reason is that the library assumes this signature of the Hex constructor:

type HexConstructor<T extends Hex> = new (coordinates?: HexCoordinates) => T

In other words: it will create hexes by passing (optional) HexCoordinates to the Hex constructor. Any other arguments you add to the constructor will be ignored. Also extending the coordinates argument with your own custom properties won't work.

So, what should you do instead?

What you should do

A nice solution is to add your own "constructor" in the form of a static method. For example:

class CustomHex extends defineHex({ dimensions: 30, origin: 'topLeft' }) {
  static create(coordinates: HexCoordinates, custom: string) {
    const hex = new CustomHex(coordinates)
    hex.custom = custom
    return hex

  custom!: string

const hexes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]].map(
  (coordinates) => CustomHex.create(coordinates, `I'm custom!`)
const grid = new Grid(CustomHex, hexes)

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