Other grid methods
This page lists some properties/methods of a grid instance that can be very convenient. For all properties of grids, see the API docs.
It returns the hex in the grid from the passed hex coordinates or undefined
if the hex doesn't exist in the grid.
const grid = new Grid(Hex, rectangle({ width: 5, height: 5 }))
grid.getHex([0, 0]) // Hex {q: 0, r: 0}
grid.getHex({ col: 4, row: 4 }) // Hex {q: 2, r: 4}
grid.getHex([20, 30]) // undefined
This can be used to update (the hexes in) a grid. It accepts an iterable of hex coordinates or hexes, and sets those hexes. Hexes that weren't present in the grid before are added.
class Tile extends defineHex({ dimensions: 30 }) {
terrain!: Terrain
const grid = new Grid(Tile, rectangle({ width: 5, height: 5 }))
const tilesWithTerrain = grid.map((tile) => {
return { ...tile, terrain: createTerrain(tile) } as Tile
Lines 7-11 above could be simplified (at the expense of mutating grid
in-place) with forEach()
grid.forEach((tile) => {
tile.terrain = createTerrain(tile)
When you need to map a point to a hex in a grid, pointToHex()
is what you should use. See Point → hex for an example.
The distance()
method returns the distance (in hexes) between the two passed hex coordinates (excluding the first hex, including the last hex). Just like pointToHex()
, it accepts a third argument to indicate if only hexes in the grid are allowed (defaults to false
const grid = new Grid(Hex, rectangle({ width: 5, height: 5 }))
grid.distance([0, 1], [4, 1]) // 4
grid.distance([-1, 3], [10, 0]) // 11
grid.distance([-1, 3], [10, 0], { allowOutside: false }) // undefined
This method returns the adjacent hex from hex coordinates in a particular direction. When the direction is ambiguous (North and South for pointy hexes, West and East for flat hexes), the neighboring hex is chosen based on the offset setting. It accepts an optional { allowOutside }
option to limit the result to hexes in the grid. By default allowOutside
is true
and when the neighboring hex isn't present in the grid, a new hex is created and returned. When allowOutside
is false
and the neighboring hex isn't present in the grid, undefined
is returned instead.
const grid = new Grid(Hex, rectangle({ width: 5, height: 5 }))
grid.neighborOf([1, 2], Direction.SW) // Hex {q: 0, r: 3}
grid.neighborOf([1, 2], Direction.N) // Hex {q: 2, r: 1}
grid.neighborOf([2, 4], Direction.E, { allowOutside: false }) // undefined